
E85 FlexFuel Conversion – Available for Pre-order now!


E85 FlexFuel Conversions



E85 FlexFuel Conversion – Available for order now!

Creative Performance Racing is now offering Eflexfuel Conversions on select vehicles.  Kits very from vehicle to vehicle listings and more information coming soon.

reach out to us today if your interested in finding out if a kit is available for your vehicle.

E85 Flex Fuel is typically 30-40% less expensive than premium gasoline. With the eFlexFuel installed on your vehicle, you’ll spend less on fuel every time you fill your tank.

Flex Fuel is high octane fuel. With the eFlexPlus or eFlexPro installed on your vehicle, you can tune your engine to boost horsepower as much as 20%.

Flex Fuel is a mixture of gasoline and ethanol. In the United States, ethanol is primarily made from corn. When you fill up your vehicle with E85 Flex Fuel, you’re supporting the American farmer and reducing your carbon footprint.

With the eFlexFuel Technology installed in your vehicle, you can fill up with all gas, all E85, or a combination of both to achieve the cost savings and power you’re after. That way, you can go wherever you want without worry about where you’re going to buy fuel.


You don’t have to be a tuning expert to get more out of your vehicle while driving on E85. The eFlexPlus E85 flex fuel kit gives you the power you’re after and the ability to change settings on the fly.

  • Drive on E85, gasoline, or a combination of the two
  • An economical setting for a commute; higher horsepower settings when it’s time to burnout
  • Every eFlexFuel kit is specific to your vehicle with an easy DIY install (if you choose to install it yourself)
  • With our tuning software, you have optional custom tunes and setting let you fine-tune from anywhere – even without a dyno

Optimize your engine. With the eFlexPlus capability kit from eFlexFuel Technology, you get more setting options than you do with the Eco kit and a more streamlined tuning experience than you do with the Pro kit. This is the ideal E85 fuel conversion for the amateur racer and offroad driver.

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