PRO-B5400 Black Push-on Hose - Price per Foot

Black Push-on Hose PRO-B5400 x 20 foot


PRO-B5400 Black Push-on Hose / Push-Lock x 20 Foot Roll




Black Push-on Hose PRO-B5400 x 20 foot

Black Push-on Hose PRO-B5400 x 20 foot is designed for the use with G184 Series Push-on fittings.  For the enthusiast looking for a quality performance hose while wanting to save assembly time and money,  Push Lock hose is the way to go. Push Lock on or Push Lock Hose is Flexible and lightweight, this hose is ideal for most automotive applications. Compatible with hydrocarbon and alcohol based fuel, lubricants and additives. Works with AN adapter fittings G184. Compatible with reusable Push Lock hose ends and pressure rated up to 250 psi – suitable for most fuel and oil systems. Also suitable for E85 fuel!


Where temperature exceeds 70°C, the use of a clamp is recommended.
Temperature range -40°C to 100°C


Select the length you need: click here


This product is NOT compatible with brake, fuel, nitrous, or power-steering systems.

Push-on Tech Tip


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